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Fine-Tuning Phi-3 with Hugging Face
May 2, 2024

Fine-Tuning Phi-3 with Hugging Face

A Highly Capable Language Model Fine-tuning Phi-3, a compact yet powerful AI model, has emerged as a powerful technique. Fine-tuning allows Phi-3 to specialize for specific tasks and domains. The Phi-3 series targets efficient AI on mobile and low-power devices.
Fine-tuning BLIP2 for Image Caption Generation with PEFT
April 26, 2024

Fine-tuning BLIP2 for Image Caption Generation with PEFT

Customizing BLIP2 with LoRA and HuggingFace on the Flickr30k Dataset Fine-tuning BLIP2, a state-of-the-art open-source visual language model, can be a game-changer for various business applications. BLIP2 stands out as one of the most powerful models in its class. It
Fine-Tuning StarCoder to Customize a Coding Assistant
April 25, 2024

Fine-Tuning StarCoder to Customize a Coding Assistant

A Comprehensive Guide Fine-tune a Code LLM on Private Code using a Single GPU to Enhance its Contextual Awareness Recently, powerful language models like Codex, StarCoder, and Code Llama that can understand and generate code have been created. These models
Fine-Tuning LayoutLMv2 for Document Question Answering
April 20, 2024

Fine-Tuning LayoutLMv2 for Document Question Answering

A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimizing LayoutLMv2 for Enhanced Domain-Specific Document Question Answering Efficiency Document question answering (DQA) plays a key role in various tasks, allowing us to efficiently retrieve information from documents. However, traditional DQA models, including those not leveraging
Automating Scientific Knowledge Retrieval with AI in Python
April 12, 2024

Automating Scientific Knowledge Retrieval with AI in Python

End-to-End Guide for Developing a Research Chatbot with OpenAI functions Capable of Semantic Search Across Arxiv The vast amount of scientific publications today challenges effective knowledge retrieval. Researchers, academics, and professionals need innovative methods to stay updated. AI and semantic search technologies
Using PhotoMaker for Stylized Image Customization
March 18, 2024

Using PhotoMaker for Stylized Image Customization

Generating High-Quality Stylized Images In this article, we explore the process of stylized image customization using PhotoMaker. Previously, we discussed generating realistic photos. Now, we shift our focus to creating high-quality, artistic images using only a few reference images. We
AI Image Analysis with BLIB, YOLOv9, ViT, and CLIP
March 13, 2024

AI Image Analysis with BLIB, YOLOv9, ViT, and CLIP

Image Analysis with AI by Automating Captions, Detection and Similarity Search in Python Recently, image analysis with AI has witnessed significant advancements, particularly driven by the rapid evolution of artificial computational technologies. As a result, these innovations enable a more
Cloning Yourself on WhatsApp with AI in Python
February 27, 2024

Cloning Yourself on WhatsApp with AI in Python

Integrating OpenAI and Twilio for Chatbot Interactions Which Mimic Your Chatting Style and Understands Image Inputs Have you ever wished you could clone yourself to keep up with all the WhatsApp messages from your friends, family, and colleagues? Well, in this
Customizing Realistic Human Photos Using AI with PhotoMaker
February 17, 2024

Customizing Realistic Human Photos Using AI with PhotoMaker

From Reference to Custom Photos Customizing realistic human photos is a challenging task in the world of AI. Traditional methods like GANs and diffusion models often need extensive fine-tuning. This process is time-consuming and resource-intensive. However,  PhotoMaker offers a novel
Fine-Tuning Your Own Custom Stable Diffusion Model with just 4 Images
February 7, 2024

Fine-Tuning Your Own Custom Stable Diffusion Model with just 4 Images

End-to-End Python Guide For Giving a Stable Diffusion Model Your Own Images for Training and Making Inferences from Text Stable Diffusion models have gained significant attention for their ability to generate high-quality, diverse images from textual descriptions. However, the one-size-fits-all nature
AI Face Restoration in Images with CodeFormer
February 6, 2024

AI Face Restoration in Images with CodeFormer

Restoring, Colorizing and Inpainting AI Face Restoration technology enhances and recovers facial images from various states of degradation. This technology restores clear visuals from once-flawed images. This article discusses how to practically use AI Face Restoration with CodeFormer, a Python
Narrating Videos with OpenAI Vision and Whisperer Automatically
January 19, 2024

Narrating Videos with OpenAI Vision and Whisperer Automatically

Synchronizing Narration with Video Length, Tone and Frame Content Contextually Rich and Dynamic Storytelling This guide aims to present an end-to-end solution that for automatically narrating videos with AI, leveraging OpenAI’s GPT-4 Vision and Text-to-Speech technology’s cutting-edge capabilities. OpenAI’s GPT-4
Real-Time Emotion Recognition in Python with OpenCV and FER
January 19, 2024

Real-Time Emotion Recognition in Python with OpenCV and FER

A Comprehensive Python Guide for the Detection, Capture, and Analytical Interpretation of Live Emotional Data Emotion recognition technology presents an interesting intersection of psychology, AI and computer science. We harness the capabilities of OpenCV for video processing and the Facial
Interactive Data Analytics in Python with Microsoft LIDA
January 19, 2024

Interactive Data Analytics in Python with Microsoft LIDA

Automatically Going From Raw Data to Insight, Empowering Data-Driven Decisions Much Quicker This article explores LIDA, Microsoft’s innovative tool for interactive data visualization. Uniquely, LIDA harnesses large language models, transforming complex datasets into insightful visual representations. LIDA excels with datasets that
Intelligent Web Browsing & Reporting with LangChain and OpenAI
January 19, 2024

Intelligent Web Browsing & Reporting with LangChain and OpenAI

A Technical End-to-End Python Guide to Automatic Web Browsing and Results Reporting Imagine the convenience of automatically gathering and summarizing online information on diverse topics such as the latest advancements in renewable energy, analyzing current market trends in the tech
AI Singing Voice Cloning with AI in Python
January 18, 2024

AI Singing Voice Cloning with AI in Python

End-to-End Python Guide for Data Processing, Training and Inference of AI Cloned voices. From Voice Data to using Pre-trained and Custom Models Imagine a world where your voice could harmonize with any tune, adopt any accent, or even replicate the
Uniting LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Fact-Based Chatbots
January 18, 2024

Uniting LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Fact-Based Chatbots

An In-Depth End-to-End Tutorial for Structuring Raw Data into Knowledge-Driven AI Chatbots In this article, we skillfully combine the structured, relationship-focused architecture of knowledge graphs with the sophisticated language understanding abilities of LLMs. Knowledge graphs contribute a layer of structured