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Topological Data Analysis for Identifying Market Crashes

Gain Early Warnings of Market Crashes with Advanced Topological Techniques

Advanced Data Science Techniques

The Market Crash Prediction Tool utilizes advanced Topological Data Analysis (TDA) techniques to provide early warnings and predictions of significant market downturns.

Insights for Market Stability

Uncover complex trends and significant market movements. By analyzing stock data and computing Wasserstein distances, the tool helps traders and investors identify potential market crashes and significant shifts in market dynamics.

Key Features

  • Advanced Topological Analysis: Uses Rips complexes and persistence diagrams to analyze market data.
  • Wasserstein Distance Calculation: Measures the difference between distributions to detect changes in price dynamics.
  • Interactive Visualizations: Provides dynamic plots of stock prices, Wasserstein distances, and alerts.
  • Customizable Parameters: Allows users to set analysis periods, window sizes, and alert thresholds for tailored insights.
Topology Market Crash Analysis Tool Demo 2 Entreprenerdly
Topology Market Crash Analysis Tool Demo 1 Entreprenerdly

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