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August 15, 2024

Earn $491 a day with $29,260 Bitmain Antminer AL1

Bitmain Antminer AL1 Is Challenging the Crypto Mining Space With Its New Technology.

Crypto mining continues to be a lucrative venture for those who invest in the right technology. The Bitmain Antminer AL1 and its advanced version, the Antminer AL1 Pro, are among the latest mining rigs promising substantial daily profits. Moreover, these rigs offer with a paidback period of around 2 months.

In this article, we’ll the discuss the following aspects:

  • The Blake3 algorithm and profitability analysis
  • Getting Started with the Antminer AL1
  • Setting Up System, Wallet and Joining a Pool

1. Bitmain Antminer AL1 (+pro)

The Bitmain Antminer AL1 is a high-performance mining rig specifically designed for Alephium (ALPH). It offers a hashrate of 15.6 TH/s and consumes 3510W of power. This rig achieves an energy efficiency of 0.23 J/GH.

Additionally, it features a four-fan cooling system, enabling it to operate efficiently within a temperature range of 5 to 45°C. By mid-July 2024, miners can expect a daily profit of around $600.

In September 2024, Bitmain will release the Antminer AL1 Pro, which builds on the original AL1. This upgraded model provides a higher hashrate of 16.6 TH/s and consumes 3730W to enhance performance. Consequently, it is projected to yield a daily profit of approximately $730.

Image 1. Profitabiluty of Bitmain Antminer AL1 WEBP

Profitability Overview of Antminer. Please note that profitability will change over time due to factors like market conditions, energy costs, and network difficulty. Source:

2. Alephium Mining Blake3 and Algorithm

Alephium mining involves using the Blake3 hashing algorithm to solve complex mathematical puzzles. 

Overview of Alephium Mining

Alephium operates on a Proof-of-Work (PoW) system. In this system, miners compete to find a nonce, which is a variable adjusted to generate a hash meeting specific criteria, such as leading zeros.

Miners test various nonce values until they produce a valid hash. Once found, the correct nonce gets added to the block. This process secures the network because altering any block would require redoing the proof-of-work.

Blake3 Hashing Algorithm

Blake3 is a cryptographic hash function built for high performance. It is faster than SHA-2 and SHA-3. Those interested in more technical details should visit Blake3’s official git repo.

Blake3 provides strong resistance to collision and pre-image attacks. It also supports parallelism by using multiple CPU cores. Key characteristics include:

  • Speed: Blake3 is designed to be faster than both SHA-2 and SHA-3.
  • Security: Blake3 offers strong resistance to collision and pre-image attacks.
  • Parallelism: Blake3 can efficiently utilize multiple CPU cores.
Image 2. Blake3 Algorithm

First, Blake3 splits data into chunks. Then, it processes these chunks in parallel using multiple CPU cores. Finally, the chunks combine to form a secure cryptographic hash.

Mining Process

The mining process can be broken down into several steps:

Block Header Construction:

The block header includes the previous block’s hash, timestamp, Merkle root, difficulty target, and a nonce.

Merkle Root Calculation:

After constructing the block header, miners organize transactions in the block into a Merkle tree. The root of this tree is then added to the block header. Moreover, this step ensures the integrity of all transactions in the block.

Hashing with Blake3:

Miners proceed by trying different nonces to find a hash that meets the difficulty target. At this stage, they hash the block header using Blake3, which produces a 256-bit hash.

Difficulty Target:

The difficulty target is a 256-bit number that defines how challenging it is to find a valid hash. A valid hash must be less than or equal to this target. The difficulty adjusts based on the network’s total hashing power.

Hash Calculation

Given a block header H and a nonce N, the hash is calculated as:

The resulting hash is then checked against the difficulty target T:

Nonce Iteration

Miners iterate over possible values of N to find a valid hash. This process can be described as:

Where Nk​ is the nonce that produces a valid hash.

Probability of Finding a Valid Hash

The probability P of a miner finding a valid hash on a single attempt is given by the ratio of the target T to the maximum possible hash value M:

Given the maximum hash value for a 256-bit hash is 256−12^{256}−1, the probability is:

3. Profitability Analysis

Let’s analyze the profitability of Alephium mining using the Antminer AL1, considering its hash rate, energy consumption, and overall profitability.

Hash Rate: 15.6 TH/s

The Antminer AL1 operates at a hash rate of 15.6 trillion hashes per second (15.6 TH/s). This means it can test 15.6 trillion nonces every second. This enhances its chances of solving a block.

Power Consumption: 3510 W

The Antminer AL1 consumes 3510 watts (3.51 kW). Daily energy consumption can be calculated as follows:

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