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Real-Time Stock News & Sentiment Analyzer

Hourly Stock Market News and Sentiment Scores


Fetch and analyze daily stock market news articles from multiple sources related to a specified stock ticker. The tool provides sentiment scores to help users understand the overall market sentiment for the day.

Sentiment Analysis

Analyze the sentiment of news articles using NLP techniques. The tool provides sentiment scores ranging from -1 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), to help users gauge market sentiment.

Data Viewing

Allows sorting of news data by any column, making it easy to organize and view articles. Displays articles along with their sentiment scores for quick assessment of relevance.

How to use

  • Enter Stock Ticker: Type the stock ticker symbol (e.g., ‘AAPL’ for Apple Inc.) in the sidebar.
  • Get News: Click the ‘Get News’ button to fetch the latest news articles related to the entered stock ticker.
  • View News and Sentiment: The app will display the news articles along with sentiment scores. Sentiment scores range from -1 (very negative) to 1 (very positive).
  • Download Data: Optionally, you can download the news data with sentiment analysis as a CSV file.

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