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Predicting market movements is crucial for traders and analysts. Traditional methods often fall short due to their manual and error-prone nature. The application of YOLO to predict stock market trends offers a promising alternative. YOLO Predict Stock Market trends with its speed and accuracy, making it ideal for real-time applications.
This article explores how to fine-tune a YOLOv8 model to predict market ups and downs. While YOLO’s efficiency is advantageous, there are limitations in using it for real-time predictions. The main challenge is the model’s training bias, as it has seen the outcomes of events, making real-time prediction difficult. One approach to mitigate this is to train the model up to an “up” or “down” event without including the result, which can improve its real-time prediction capabilities.
In a previous article on candlestick pattern recognition with YOLO, we explored the effectiveness of YOLOv8 in identifying stock price candlesticks patterns. This model was trained on a dataset of 9,000 images and achieved an overall accuracy of 0.93 in training.
The model was capable of recognizing key patterns like ‘Head and Shoulders,’ ‘Triangle,’ and ‘W-Bottom’ with some time in advance. Building on these findings, we aim now to use YOLO not just for identifying patterns but for predicting future market movements.
To address some limitations previoulsy discussed, users are encouraged to explore the training of their own model.
Fine-tuning YOLO involves adapting the pre-trained model to a specific dataset to enhance its ability to recognize custom patterns, like candlestick patterns in stock charts.
Follow these steps to fine-tune YOLO for candlestick pattern recognition:
Prepare the Dataset: Gather and annotate a diverse dataset of candlestick chart images. Ensure it covers various patterns and market conditions. Adjust the training images and annotations to exclude the results of trends, focusing only on the indicators leading up to “up” or “down” events.
Modify the Model: Adjust the model’s architecture and parameters to better suit the new task. This includes setting the number of classes and tweaking hyperparameters.
Train the Model: Use the annotated dataset to train the model over several epochs, adjusting weights to minimize detection loss.
Evaluate and Fine-Tune: Assess the model’s performance on a validation set and fine-tune based on the results to improve accuracy and reduce overfitting.
For a detailed guide on fine-tuning object detection models, refer to this Colab notebook. It provides an example of fine-tuning YOLOS for object detection on a custom dataset.
First, let’s install the necessary libraries:
!pip install ultralyticsplus mplfinance yfinance
# Load libraries
import cv2
import requests
import os
from ultralyticsplus import YOLO, render_result
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import mplfinance as mpf
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
Let’s break down the process of loading the model and making inferences. This involves fetching stock data, preparing it, creating candlestick charts, loading the YOLO model, and predicting trends.
To fetch stock data, we use the yfinance
def fetch_stock_data(symbol, start_date, end_date):
data =, start=start_date, end=end_date)
return data
We then prepare the dataset for analysis:
def prepare_data(data):
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data.index)
data['High'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
data['Low'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
return data
Creating candlestick charts with mplfinance
helps visualize the stock data in the format required for the model:
def create_candlestick_chart(data, save_path):
mpf.plot(data, type='candle', style='charles', title='Stock Price', ylabel='Price', savefig=save_path)
Then, we load the YOLO model and set the specific parameters to optimize its performance:
def load_model(model_path):
model = YOLO(model_path)
model.overrides['conf'] = 0.25
model.overrides['iou'] = 0.45
model.overrides['agnostic_nms'] = False
model.overrides['max_det'] = 1
return model
We then read the image, and predict the ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ with the fine-tuned YOLO on analyzinge candlestick charts.
def predict_trends(model, chart_path):
image = cv2.imread(chart_path)
results = model.predict(image, verbose=False)
render = render_result(model=model, image=image, result=results[0])
return render
The main
function ties everything together, from fetching and preparing data to generating predictions and saving the results: