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Bootstrapped Asset Price Predictions

Comprehensive Analysis of Future Price Scenarios

Dynamic Asset Price Simulation

This tool uses bootstrapping simulations to estimate future stock prices. By entering a stock ticker (or crypto pair), date range, number of simulation days, and price thresholds, you can analyze the potential future movements.

Comprehensive Analysis

The tool displays the distribution of final simulated prices and historical stock prices with simulated future price cones.

Probability Estimation

The tool focuses on probability estimation to present a detailed distribution of simulated final prices. It overlays simulated future price cones on historical data.

Key Features

  • Bootstrapping Simulations: Run thousands of simulations to estimate future asset prices.
  • Probability Calculation: Determine the likelihood of the asset price falling below, between, or above specified thresholds.
  • Visualization: Interactive charts display both the distribution of simulated final prices and future price cones on historical data.
  • Customizable Parameters: Adjust the number of simulation days, iterations, and price thresholds to tailor the analysis to your needs.
Bootstrapping Demo Video 2 AVIF
Bootstrapping Demo Video 1 AVIF

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