Stock and Cryptocurrency Price Predictions in Real-time
AI-Driven Market Forecasting
This tool uses a sophisticated deep learning model to forecast future stock and cryptocurrency prices. It leverages historical data, technical indicators, and proprietary external variables to predict future trends.
Confidence Interval Predictions
The model provides confidence intervals (68% and 95%) for each price forecast. These intervals represent the uncertainty in the predictions to help users assess the potential range of price fluctuations.
Account for Minimum Holding Periods
The model incorporates proprietary external market variables to enhance prediction reliability. This integration allows us to use advanced algorithms to process and analyze multiple factors that influence market prices.
Key Features
Deep learning-based price forecasting for stocks and cryptocurrencies.
Interactive predictions with customizable forecast horizons.
Visualized 68% and 95% confidence intervals for understanding prediction uncertainty.
Proprietary external variable integration to improve accuracy.
Real-time price forecasting that updates dynamically with the latest market data.
Access to predictions for over 70,000 assets, including stocks and cryptocurrency pairs.