Monitor Stock Rating Changes and Sentiment Trends Over Time In Real-Time
Track Analyst Consensus Ratings
Access aggregated and granular analyst ratings to see how professionals view a stock’s future performance. Compare the distribution of Strong Buy, Buy, Hold, Sell, and Strong Sell recommendations.
Identify Emerging Trends in Analyst Sentiment
Track how analyst sentiment changes over time with net rating shifts, helping you detect early signs of strengthening or weakening confidence in a stock.
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Get real-time updates on the most bullish and bearish stocks based on analyst rating changes. See which stocks are experiencing a surge in upgrades or a wave of downgrades.
Key Features
Consensus Rating Breakdown – View the latest analyst recommendations, from Strong Buy to Strong Sell.
Sentiment Trend Analysis – Track how analyst confidence in a stock changes over time.
Upgrades & Downgrades Over Time – Identify patterns in rating changes, including new coverage initiations.
Rating Transition Heatmap – Visualize how analysts shift their views from one rating category to another.
Live Market Sentiment Feed – Stay updated on stocks gaining or losing analyst support in real time.
Detailed Analyst Reports – Access historical and live data on rating changes to validate market trends.